Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm considering starting my own enterprise in the distant future...

I'm considering funding and operating my own American-based animation studio at some point in the coming decades. I've got an inclination to manage media-business enterprises, so I figure, why not hire a handful of talented people and start up my own operation, so I can stop sitting back and watching others live the dream, and instead carve out my own dream, years from now.

EDUCATION: Probably one of the most insightful books written about running a studio, written mostly from a producer's standpoint (which is kind of in the same league as managing a studio in many ways, in terms of the way its presented in the text) is the book Producing Animation by Catherine Winder and Zahra Dowlatabadi. From a managerial logistical standpoint, the book is cohesive, systematic, and sound, just the way I like my books. If you're interested in animation production from a managerial or logistical (i.e. 2 key elements you need to RUN a studio) it's a must read.
