Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Horror Genre

It's weird how controversy isn't mentioned in the Wiki page on horror film. Let's admit it right now. Horror movies are a controversial genre, and it's just as harmful emotionally, psychologically, and physically to society as rap music. Just becuase no one mentions this doesn't make it any less so.

I mean, the facts speak for themselves:

In the same way rap has fucked up kids in America, horror movies have done the exact same thing: Desensitized the mainstream media audience to violence, sociopathology, and blatant sadism, make people go out and murder and kill people, shoot people, hit people and animals with vehicles, commit suicide, sadistically torture and rape people, and mutilate people, in the same way rap music has been inspiring young retarded teenagers and young adults to do the exact same things that cause chaos. It really is too bad the horror movie genre rapes and warps young minds in America. It's not art when all your doing is throwing buckets of fake blood at the camera just to get your jollies on. There's something sadistic about the generally nature of horror movies. Something that really does warp young impressionable people's minds. And it's like they try to make as many violent acts in horror movies as imitatable as possible.

It sickens me.