Sunday, July 22, 2018

I'm retiring from Comics-Manga, at least Temporarily

At least for the time being, I'm either retired from drawing comics and manga. Drawing comics, really good comics takes every last bit of energy you've got, and a lot more. I finally reached the "and a lot more part". I still write and draw, but drawing comics takes more out of me than I can manage. So it's just sketching and writing blogs and books. I can't do everything, people. I wish I could, but that's not reality

Friday, July 13, 2018

My Current Social Network

I think my social network is changing. Many of my offline friends are now online, most of whom saw me socializing online for many years, and finally decided to follow my example and do the same thing. 
I have at least 26 friends in my inner circle of business contacts and friends. I talk to many more, but I'm not close to them like I am the inner 26. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Haven't updated a lot

Going to be trying to update my blogger account more often. Who knows, maybe people will start reading my blogger posts again