Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Gotta Admit...

In terms of UGC (User Generated Content), the absolute worst, whether it's DeviantART or YouTube is the corporate stuff being whored about in the most amateurish manner possible by some 6-12 year old who shouldn't even be allowed on a computer, let alone the internet. Just a big embarrassment for everyone, when you see some corporate based figure like Naruto or Sasuke being traced, photoshopped up, or AMVed up in a vain attempt to get "famous online". Just some of the most pathetic shit I've ever seen, EVER. You're not expressing yourself girlie. You're whoring a corporate image on an independently funded website, or any user-generated content website for that matter, in what is just the worst, most unnappealing, untalented, and hideous looking aborted fetus of freedom of speech ever. Making this abortion of creativity and "fanart" or "fan content" even worse is  the fact that these little girls don't even know this is what they're actually doing. They're not even aware of their crimes against the humanities. In what little exists of their sanity and trend-following minds, in their minds they're just doing "What's cool". i.e. conforming to digital peer pressure, which is most certainly a pathetic form of peer pressure no one should ever listen to. Musashi Kishimoto wouldn't pay you in a million year to ever produce something that debauched and horrible. It's like paying for your own shit, literally.

Do I hate this shit? You be the judge.