Sunday, October 2, 2011

"Current" American Comics

Comics in America ain't what they used to be. Honestly, I draw comics, but I haven't found a current comic book on the mainstream American scene, that I actually like, since at least a decade ago. Honestly, the ony contemporary comics I actually like are French Tomes.. Hardly anyone in America seems to read french Tomes like those of Blacksad and Orbital, but their artwork is more anime-like than pretty much anything being produced in the United States today. I stopped going to comic book shops in my hometown years ago, after I stopped finding anything I liked as much as the early 2000s stuff. Much as I don't want to rain on anyone's parade, I don't know why so much of the current American published comics industry is getting so much mainstream media coverage. It's almost all horrible, if not all of it. What gets featured in the mainstream from current American comics is just so shitty. At least the French can still draw.