Saturday, September 17, 2011

Photobucket and the old drawing board...

Somehow I've managed to shake off my demons and fatigue, and have ended up sitting at the drawing table more than usually, as opposed to lying in bed watching cable TV, Alfred Hedgehog, and CW4Kids all morning and day. Yeah, that's right, I watch Alfred Hedgehog, bitches. I see nothing wrong with this. It's a great entertaining kids show. Fun to play as background noise and soundtrack during the day, where I'm not really watching it so much as letting it be the soundtrack to the paper I'm looking at as I'm tracing over it to clean it up with a lightbox. More enjoyable than you'd initially think upon not doing such a thing.

Aaaanyway, Spongebob got beat up by ladies today. Freaking hilarious. Maybe I'm a bad influence *deletes stab at popular TV shows post*