Sunday, September 18, 2011

The "New Anime" Problem(s)...

Recently, Japanese animation screenwriter Dai Sato spoke out against Japanese screenwriting recently, stating that many Japanese have “lost the appreciation for unique strorytelling, and that the Japanese have grown to prefer cute, superficial stories in place of those that deal with reality and real problems.”

The reason this trend in anime disturbs me so much is because every time I see it, it reminds me of why anime sucks now and I don’t like most anime anymore. I used to watch anime in the 90s for the very things I could get away from Disney with: Violence, sexual angst, detail, dark stories, angst, technology, architecture. Those were things you wouldn’t find in Disney. Now when you watch the first anime someone online recommends to you, it’s like “Jesus Christ all this is, is watching MORE Disney. Cute, colorful cliché, superficial, faggy, pussy shit.” Dear God, somebody please fucking kill me.