Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Not Exactly Simon Cowell Here...Good? Bad?

Honestly, I wish I could make this a more review centric anime-specific blog like so many pro critics have lately on their official press websites, but as much as I'd like to take a more journalistic approach with this blog, I tend to gravitate more towards the free spirit element of it, even though I know a lot of people discovered me specifically through my initial literary review status on the AnimeTV site back in the day. I do love hearing what people like Miley Yamamoto and Roy Pitts have to say on things. I'm actually a pretty big fan of what they do, which is act, host, and commentate.

Well, there's the Jack Kerouac approach, and then there is the whole "shortness of time / Doing a million things online at once thing" KIND OF eats into my "schedule".