Monday, October 15, 2012


If I want to live out the rest of my days as an expat thousands of miles away, like an international recluse comics creator, I can. Things have changed. Assuming I have a little bit of money saved up (which I will), being an expat is ALWAYS a possibility. This option just started becoming more viable less than 2 years ago. I kind of love the idea of quietly sitting at a drawing desk in Europe somewhere, alone in a room with lots of cool architecture and foreign books, cartooning my little brains out for the rest of my life. There's a romanticism to that kind of lifestyle in my opinion.

It's about the comics, not me, silly.

Still, there is something QUITE enticing about "pulling a Moebius on these bitches".

Seriously though, it's quite nice knowing there is a way to travel to Europe nowadays directly from my home city. Quite the convenience! There never used to be travel resources for traveling from the state I live in to Europe available with such ease and convenience and lack of hassle and stress. I'm LIKING THIS change....

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