Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Key to my Illusive "Fame"

That's the thing about fame, people see all the praise that happens on TV, radio, and social media and just assume any artist blessed with ability, genius, or talent, will also be equally blessed with special  treatment, glitz, groupies, fame, and praise. But not so true. I'm still blessed with the same struggles, taunts, teases, and scrutiny of even the worst of humanity. To the point where I said "Wow! These people wanting to deny me all that special treatment must REALLY assume I'm trying to pull some high filuting acting!

If you're a normal manga ka or author, you don't want special treatment. That type of treatment isn't really what the rebels or regal members of the industry get. If they're treatment was above sub-average online, they'd be so distracted by their sports media fame They'd be crippled from getting anything done in their portfolio. it happens

Monday, December 17, 2018

In Bloom - By The Allied Punk Rock Heavy Metal Forces

And with that summer of 1945

UNTIL one Hitler Youth that Tuesday said "W-Wait, no more Hitler?" GOOD! FUCK HITLER Dudes. Hitler was a faggot! We're free!

And thus started the 90s alternative punk rock movement

Sunday, July 22, 2018

I'm retiring from Comics-Manga, at least Temporarily

At least for the time being, I'm either retired from drawing comics and manga. Drawing comics, really good comics takes every last bit of energy you've got, and a lot more. I finally reached the "and a lot more part". I still write and draw, but drawing comics takes more out of me than I can manage. So it's just sketching and writing blogs and books. I can't do everything, people. I wish I could, but that's not reality

Friday, July 13, 2018

My Current Social Network

I think my social network is changing. Many of my offline friends are now online, most of whom saw me socializing online for many years, and finally decided to follow my example and do the same thing. 
I have at least 26 friends in my inner circle of business contacts and friends. I talk to many more, but I'm not close to them like I am the inner 26. 

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Haven't updated a lot

Going to be trying to update my blogger account more often. Who knows, maybe people will start reading my blogger posts again

Saturday, June 30, 2018

That's nice, Chris Chan, Now Check out some REAL LIFE SAGAS!

J.M. Sagas:

  • Nicole Cook Saga
  • To Catch a Predator Saga
  • Brian Johnston Saga
  • 9-11 Saga
  • AiFL Saga
  • Cartoon Network Saga
  • Self-Publishing Saga
  • Regular Publishing Saga
  • ASMB Saga
  • YouTube and Twitter Saga
  • Sex Tape Saga
  • Journal Saga
  • End Times Saga
  • Joe's Face Saga
  • Clone Saga
  • Clone Novel Saga
  • Joe Is a Hero Saga

Friday, June 29, 2018

New Format Blog Log

Things built on good intentions can often lack longevity.

When writing fiction, there is

-- the painting of the colors of the setting
-- What the character is doing
-- The action of the plot and World
-- What the character is thinking, his thoughts
-- The character's larger scale spiritual activity and psychic thoughts
-- The Fantasy Magic and Energy
-- The things that tie the story to the real world

Also, There are many different ways to read and interprete the same passage of text. Many different syntactical interpretations.

What makes Good Writing? Though it is a question that only has subjective answers, I'm overwhelmed by the depth of this question. It can be answered numerous ways, many different ways. I could write a whole book on what makes good words and writing. Maybe I will. At the very least it could end up an essay, and maybe a blog and writing site post.

What makes Good Writing?
What Makes Bad Writing?
What Makes a Successful Day of Writing?
What Makes a Successful Day of Drawing?
What makes a Successful Day of Clerical Creative Work at This Desk?

When it comes to YouTube videos, there's something comforting about the process of having a narrator or hosting talking to you, one on one, and directly addressing his or her audience with conversational commentary. Speaking or narrating to us, the viewership, regarding in demand, less well known or more well known topics. There's something comforting about that, something TV has yet to offer us at such an extensive level.

I can turn my private log into a general writing archive IF I stop dating the entries, and just focus on the writing being about general topics and nonfiction if I make it less about me and more about broad general topics. I've been writing fiction and nonfiction this entire time. General writing probably takes less adjustment than I think. This page is a good example of me switching from a private personal log to a general offline blog.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Momentum of the Cartoonist: The Dark Side of Industry Pressure

One of my art teachers of animation once harshly chastised the anime style, saying "It's all the same shit", which could be interpreted as "It has a limited range and goes on a specifically limited structural system of design"

Which is not a bad thing. Just because it's using a system and certain components for all artwork doesn't mean it's bad. Especially when it looks as good as it does. Computers are built on a finite amount of parts that are always the same, but does that mean computers are bad? No. All manga is constructed in a certain way that's all based on the same system. Which is good because if you can learn to draw within that structure, you can become a real manga artist.

Comics and animation is kind of scary. There's all this information about getting started, but no options for quitting. That's what is meant by "pressure". The pressure to never stop working, which is not a demand every artist or cartoonist can meet. It's like talking about quitting your job as a successful cartoonist is talking about death, or some other tragedy. But sometimes the momentum has to stop for the cartoonist's sanity and health. Like my breakdowns in 2002 and 2015. My life literally came to a stop temporarily. It's very hard to bail out of continuing once you have a certain amount of fame and commercial and public momentum. Even if you stop moving, others will take your place. It's scary and amazing how much the animation and cartooning industry doesn't give consideration for failure or lack of money, or what an artist should do if he loses his talent or drive or momentum or sanity.

But I saw everything in my life come to a stop, where I was burnout and had to temporarily retire. I HAD to stop. But fortunately I'm getting some of my mojo back today. But it is scary to think about reducing momentum, or worse, stopping yourself from continuing drawing and writing every day. It's scary thinking what happens when you don't meet your quota, but for some of us it happens sometimes. An artist in Japan who is on "hiatus" could really secretly be wishing there was a way to quit his job or bail out of the momentum system" he built for himself by wanting to retire and give up the pain of drawing by never drawing again, but he doesn't know how to.

I find one thing that helps me is drawing while watching Shonen Jump and Japanese manga artist sketching videos and feeding off the momentum of their moving pencil and letting that osmotic motion seep into my pencil.

But momentum and stopping. Difficult dynamic to deal with.

Thos Japanese manga artists. They use the same things to draw I do: Erasers, mechanical pencils, Number 2 Pencils, and sharpie markers. So why CAN'T it produce the same product??

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Butter Battle Book

Count Duckula Intro

Johnny Cash - Hurt (Official Video) HD

Why Goofy Is Disney's Most Relatable Character And The Majesty Of A Goof...

Dan Vs Review Underrated Cartoon

How Jeff Bezos Became the King of E-Commerce

Greatest Anime Battle Ever: Black Dynamite Vs Mr Rogers

The Transition From Analog to Digital Continues!

I've already made the transition from paper pen and pencil writing on a word processor. Which makes sense because I'm more skilled as a writer than an artist for the most part.

But my transition from paper paint and art, to digital, is ongoing. It's still not complete, and that's nothing. There are also new sites like Blurb.com that focus on the digital book and manuscript graphic design of book covers/printing online, to make it easier for authors to do stuff like Kindle the way Adobe Acrobat did. 

I've been trying to adjust to tablets, but every tablet I've bought so far was too cheap to work. It didn't even have a surface big enough to draw on comfortably and efficiently. It's was over elaborate mouse pen and pad, a complete rip-off! I couldn't draw SHIT on it. 

But I'll keep trying and I will be investing more money in my production technology, over time Probably till my dying day. 

Top 5 Best Drawing Tablets - 2018

Ninja Scroll Episode 1 (Eng Dub)

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Lulu is a SCAM. They don't pay their authors any money

Not only does Lulu illegally refuse to pay authors any royalties for their books in sales, and no authors have made sales payments from them in books, they automatically set all author royalties to $0, meaning we don't get fucking dollar one from them. Someone needs to sue their asses for pulling a scam and unpaid royalties. They're as bad as Adsense and Amazon banning author accounts.

Friday, March 30, 2018

Some Assembly Required - This Comic Book Manga Puzzle Defies Me

I know I've done a lot. And I know that I have many talents. But my art-stories need to make more sense than they do. I've written a lot of stories, drawn a lot of comics pages and illustrations. But it lacks cohesion. It was meant to be one cohesive unit of storytelling. And it's not. My artwork is fragmented. I was planning on placing it all together, but it didn't turn out to be that easy to figure out. I couldn't figure out how to combine the architecture into scenes with the characters. I grew up assembling things in my room, like race car sets, and domino rallys and capsellas. Since I work so well with systems, I thought the system I built for myself in my production design and character concept art would make it easier to build a series of comics compositions out of it. I thought building rooftops separately from characters heads and bodies would just make it easier to composite them together later. Like approach it scientifically, like building a machine and assembling it from the pieces I already built, but alas, it turned out to defy that. I couldn't figure out how to make the pieces fit together.

Friday, March 23, 2018

The Infamous Self-"Bragging"

Some people have accused me of “arrogance”, but honestly, it wasn't so much as I thought I was all those things as I would write down boasts and brags because at the time my own internal voice was the only re-affirming positive one. I just wanted to stay positive with myself. My ego seemed out of control, but it wasn't. I just said those things to myself in writing as a way of talking to myself to give myself a pep talk. A kind of ego-reaffirming affirmation. I often didn't tell myself what I needed to hear, I told myself what I wanted to here, mostly because living with my family is morally degrading, and most of my family-roommates were argumentative and full of put downs. I need to respond to all that emotional bullshit by telling me all the things I needed to hear from someone between 2001 – 2018. I spent a lot of time talking to myself in writing. Those were internal insider boasts. Not something I had ever intended to broadcast or publish to the world. I just never hit delete.

I'm both naturally confident and naturally humble. Confidence and egotism is how I respond to direct ego-threats. If I agreed with what my enemies and rivals told me, I'd think I was nothing, a nobody 24/7. I can't have that. I need to view myself how I actually am, Not the hype or endless putdowns from enemies and rivals. Why agree with someone who only means to hurt, degrade, and demean you. That's fucking retarded. Don't "agree" with your critics! That's fucking idiocy. Retaliate against them with confidence and ego-strength. Make your enemies and foes feel as beneath you as they should be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

There's a reason I went into publishing instead of animation and filmmaking.

I initially wanted to be an animated series creator, and I very well would have been had the barrier to entry for working in animation not been so high. I went into self-publishing, ebooks, and webcomics because that's something anyone can do with the right talent, skill, practice, vision, willpower, and enough hard work. Webcomics aren't protected by a barrier to entry the way traditional comics and animation or anime is. The more I pursued animation as a career, the greater I came to be aware of the barrier to entry in the animation business. Animation jobs take connections and often education (but not always education, just knowing the right people and having the proper talents and abilities mostly...With webcomics all you have to do is draw something, scan it, digitize the file, upload it, and voila, you're a comics auteur. Succeeding at starting a career in an animation production involves a lot more politics than online comics. So I slowly shifted away from that, while I may be talented and highly skilled, I'm still limited by industries with a high barrier to entry. Amazon Kindle, YouTube, Google, DeviantArt, ComicFury, despite hosting some great talents, and a large diversity of skill levels they host, from childhood amateur to veteran industry international pro, they still have a much lower barrier to entry (the whole “anybody can do it” DIY mentality. Traditional comics and book publishing, and animation, despite seeming welcoming to amateurs and newbies, really aren't accommodating to new talent at all. The barrier to entry for animation and traditional corporate publishing remains high, as does the quality standard, which isn't really tied to barrier to entry, but they're trying to maintain that illusion industry veterans like to keep that says that quality standard of a high barrier to entry is at an equivalent level. Hence complicating the perception of that industry. But as the internet media has show, the barrier to entry can be low while still maintaining a high level of quality. There are plenty of artists and authors who prove this, including myself. So no, NOT Everyone CAN do it, but almost anyone should be welcome to try.

Emerging Predecessors

I recently encountered a surprise on Twitter. Someone who followed my model of online success. I noticed a young girl, say around 19 years old and British, of some minority, perhaps multiracial, who had made it to as high as No. 4 on the Amazon Crime Bestseller list. I'm guessing she used Amazon Marketing Services like I did. You'd have to, wouldn't you? Either way, she was around 12 years younger than me and achieved a similar position of Bestselling Author on Amazon. So young! Not even old enough to drink, and she's writing bestselling novels. I guess I kind of forgot how important of an accomplishment writing an Amazon bestseller is. She even posted a screenshot of her sales rank on her Twitter profile. Smart. I'm surprised to find anyone is following my example. But is 19 too young to be of such a high status. I wasn't 19 when I achieved an Amazon Bestseller. I had to be 28 or 29. I had an additional 10 years of experience beyond that. I just hope she doesn't make the same mistakes I made rising up through those ranks. What a rush that must be for a young author. I wish I could still market my books and achieve that. But alas, I've been banned from AMS, it was quite debilitating. It's ironic how I can watch other authors use my method of writing bestsellers, but I can't do it myself anymore. All because of some financial technicality. I might be forced to retire from Kindle self-publishing and ebooks prematurely and just do my best at acclimating toward traditional publishing.

I guess I'm just happy I'm not the only person to have achieved this level of accomplishment. It's a relief to see other writers going the route I initially took. I predict there will be more writers and authors of this variety too. If there aren't more than that one already


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Regarding a Certain Heavily Discussed Author-Cartoonist's Executive Platform

There were times when people thought I was a criminal breaking the law, and other times when it was the complete opposite of that, where people thought of me as one of the Chosen ones and one of the Saviors of humanity. I contested almost none of it. Whether it was positive or negative attention, I just liked being the topic of discussion, to be quite honest. A part of me likes being talked about and discussed, and as long as I'm being branded in some way, whether with fame, or infamy, or both, at this point I welcome the discussion. Everything I say (whether on Twitter, or elsewhere less public), will get referenced I and discussed in the public forum, and by forum, I meant platform my my media, Silicon Valley, Animation, and Publishing Platform, not so much message board. Like it or not, my media platforms are now a permanent fixture in mainstream public discourse and discussion, and are a major part of the media and political conversation. I knew I'd be influential, but I never thought I'd be discussed almost every 2-8 minutes on places like Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, and YouTube. I'm not just the founder of the platform, I'm the subject matter of the content!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My Most Famous LinkedIn Contacts

Ahh. Nothing fills my heart with more joy than connecting with and collecting Business contact names on LinkedIn

My Most Famous LinkedIn Contacts

  • Vincent Chalvon-Demersay (Creator: Martin Mystery, Totally Spies, Founder: Marathon Media)
  • Lance Heiskell (Brand Manager: FUNimation)
  • Mercedes Milligan (Editor: Animation Magazine)
  • Doug TenNapel (Creator: Earthworm Jim, Catscratch, Cartoonist: Various)
  • Kim Mannin (VP of Programming: Adult Swim)
  • Mark Salisbury (Director, Nickelodeon)
  • John Ledford (Executive: ADV, Newtype USA
  • David Seuss (Children's Book Author, Executive Producer: The Bi-Polar Bears)
  • Christy Karacas (Executive: Titmouse Animation)
  • Ken Knudsten (Creator: SLG)
  • Kyle Carrozza (Creator: Mighty Magiswords)
  • Stu Levy (Founder, Editor In Chief: Tokyopop Inc.)
  • J.J. Sedelmaier (TV Auteur)
  • Lilian Diaz-Przybyl (Editor: Tokyopop)
  • Noah Z. Jones (Creator: Fish Hooks, Pickle & Peanut)
  • Serena Valentino (Author, SLG)
  • Aaron Alexovich (Animator: Invader Zim)
  • Stephane Berry (Creator: Marathon Media)
  • Savin Yeatman-Eiffel (Creator: Oban Star-Racers)
  • Chandra Free (Comic Book Creator)
  • Shinichiro Ishikawa (Founder: Gonzo Studio)
  • Jamie S. Rich (Editor: Vertigo, Oni Press Publishing)
  • Antonio Canobbio ( Vice President / Director: Titmouse)
  • Chris Prynoski (Founder: Titmouse)
  • Corey Jackson (Production Designer: Invader Zim)
  • MJ Offen (Writer: Monster High)
  • Peter Hannan (Creator: Catdog, Nickelodeon)
  • Mary Harrington (Executive Producer: Invader Zim)
  • Kevin Manthei (Composer: Invader Zim, Generator Rex)
  • Nicolas Atlan (Executive, President: Gaumont, Code Lyoko)
  • Alex Soto (President: Spin Master)
  • Jody Schaeffer (Creator: Titmouse)
  • Dan Vado (Founder: SLG Publishing)
  • Ben Kalina (Executive: Titmouse)
  • Thomas Romain (Creator, Executive Producer, Oban Star-Racers, Basquash, Code Lyoko)
  • Phil Ferretti (Administrator, Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, Animator: DOUG/Beavis-Butthead)
  • Ramin Zahed (Editor in Chief: Animation Magazine)

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Update: Tuesday March 6th, 2018

Don't worry followers and fans. You'll be all right. 

Sometimes I got to shake things up by refining my brand...Have patience, things will go back to normal in 2 to 3 weeks. My possible landlord just called me back, my artist is going to be ready to collaborate soon, I have a library in my room on lots of bookshelves, My finally over my mother passing away, I've lost 50 lbs and am exercising in my home  gym, I'm socializing again, I got a raise in my social security payments, My Twitter audience numbers broke records, I'll be getting a license again, and my apartment house position might be opening up. Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, I'm going to join up with the Alliance Francais of Greater Orlando. For education in French! So a lot of stuff on the horizon. Don't get discouraged, as soon as I can get settled in again, be it here or somewhere new, I'll be going back to drawing cartoons more

A lot is changing in my life, and we're in the middle of it.

I'm shutting down a lot of my more useless web accounts, JM-Matthews DA account among them., adjusting all my accounts

Influence is Not Always Acknowledged as Such. Imitation as an Admission of Influence

I've had a Theory about Imitation, and it's nature. Imitation factors into influence. The most imitated person is the most influential. But unsanctioned influence can have the same influence on culture and the arts as a sanctioned influence, especially in the 2000s, when imitation tends to be associated with unglamorous, victimhood terms. That's not necessarily the case. Even if imitation is presented in a mocking context, that person is still admitting your influence on them through their actions. Imitation and Parody is an acknowledgment of influence. Parody admits influence. So does imitation.

Influence isn't always acknowledged and is often debated. It doesn't require a job, awards, fame, fortune, wealth, dignity, or a glamorous lifestyle. Influence is often the opposite of that.

Influence doesn't need to be acknowledged or admitted just to exist as a force. 

Cultural Creative Geographic Creative-Culture Breakdown

Best Cinematic Nations in the World:

  • United States
  • France
  • Japan
  • China
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • South Korea

Most Literary Countries in the World:

  1. England, Great Britain
  2. France
  3. Russia
  4. Ireland
  5. Germany
  6. United States
  7. Italy

Most Musical Countries:

  1. United Kingdom
  2. United States
  3. Germany
  4. Ireland
  5. Japan
  6. South Africa
  7. Italy

Most Cultural Countries:

  • China
  • Italy
  • United Kingdom
  • Spain
  • France
  • Japan
  • United States
  • Germany
  • India
  • Egypt

Most Art-Centric Countries:

  • France
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • United States
  • Spain
  • Japan   

Cinema, Literature Music, Art Culture

Countries that made the most of these lists:

United States (5)
Germany (5)
France (4)
Italy (4)
Japan (4)
United Kingdom (3)

Friday, March 2, 2018

TV: Why Energy Levels Matter (Higher is Better, for Any Age or Intellectual Level). Have a Soul, Man!

The Secret to Good TV: High Energy Levels, Energy Packaging

I don't watch TV Shows for their stories. Those normally are cliche and not very good. Mediocre at best. I watch shows for their energy levels. Some shows and commercials simply have insane levels of energy and excitement that are so high. The 90s Saturday Morning Level of energy. Adult Swim understands this, and they tap into that level of energy packaging. Part of it is the editing, known as "Whiz bang editing" meaning it's designed to go bang like dynamite and just explode on the screen into your brain always to be remembered. Most Adult TV outside of FX, Adult Swim, and Toonami lacks the on screen energy levels of Saturday Morning Cartoons and late night anime. That's why one way to get v iewers, be hyper and energetic as hell. It's the Editing. It's fast Close Pacing. It's the Camera Shots. It's Rhythm. It's choreography. It's the Music and Sound Editing. It's the Color composition and Camera Shot Composition. It just tries harder. More hyper TV with hyper energy levels is beneficial on many levels. Excitement and high energy levels are contagious. Also, not just TV can have higher energy levels. So can Marketing, Commercials, Books, Comics, Websites, Online Video, Streaming Video, Radio, Video Games, Anime, Manga, and Music can have higher energy levels too.

If you're going into media, please don't be braindead and have no life or energy when you're on the spot. Energetic people remind us we're alive. They're full of life. They get us laughing, they make us laugh hysterically, get us excited and captivate our focus and attention, and most importantly, they don't bore us or depress us.

The 90s wasn't just better than the 2000s. It had a higher concentration of energy and fast motion in general.

But most modern TV doesn't try to have energy. It prefers to have a pulse that's clinically dead. The narrator sounds like a nasal nerd who wants to kill himself or something. This is what passes for voice over now? Being braindead and castrated? Fuck that shit. Be fast, intense, and energetic. Don't be a turd.

Nasally voices, and Slow and low energy levels feel like a turd on a plate.

So fuck that. Let's start some shit. 

And furthermore, I've always had higher energy levels, but I've never shared these secrets before, that I feel having a higher energy level, to my writing, to my filmmaking, to my choreography, to my editing, to my art and drawing, is one of my trade secrets. Higher energy compositions just attract more goodwill and attention. 

This applies to art and comics, too. A drawing can be crude, but if it's Tim Burton or Jhonen Vasquez level energy, then it doesn't matter. It's more compelling, it's more focused.

Energy, Focus, Intensity, Speed, Rhythm (both fast and slow).
These are important!

But not all energy is created equal. Raw energy and intensity is just noise. It's important to be poetic and musical in our expression of raw energy. Like a well choreographed dance. 

I've been all about the poetic expression of movement, rhythm, intensity and energy for a long time now. Chi and whatnot. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Don't Sell Out. Don't Sell Your Soul Just to Get Rich.

Unfortunately, the internet and TV media is controlled by the Illuminati, they should call it the Freemason Media, because it's run by jews, white rich men, and freemasons. Seth McFarlane and the Gumball creator are freemasons.

The Freemasons control Hollywood and Wikipedia, but not Japan, France, and Japanese and French Media, or Silicon Valley. That explains a few things.

If I wanted to become rich and famous in real life, I'd literally have to sell my soul to the Freemasonic Shark Devil. That's not going to happen. I'll take my chances with obscurity. I have integrity. I get $800 a month for social security. I don't need the help of Hollywood. I don't accept their help. I'll never accept their help. I'd rather survive on social security than sell out.

Whoring Yourself Out (i.e. Success and being spoiled in publishing)

If you want to simply DRAW your own comics or manga, and make a living at it, but don't have the following "little" support community-industry-system in place, You're screwed, man! It's Lulu Press and Scribd for you! There's a community system set up in place, one that destroys and mocks failure and perpetuates and whores out success.

Typical Comic Book Creator/Writer/Artist who had everything handed over to them...

  • Flagshit title or series
  • Articles
  • Awards
  • Editing Team to Make Them Look Good
  • Awkward disposition, elitist mentality, left wing bias, and poor often arrogant and egomaniacal attitude that's masked by "mainstream appeal", public figure status, and publishing credentials

Pawn in the Machine, Phoning it in:

  • (The "Safety Net Filter Team")
  • Agency
  • Publisher
  • Editor
  • Producer (if they work in animation, too)

"Industry" Profiles:

  • Official Website (Name.com)
  • Wikipedia "Homepage Article" Profile
  • Publisher Homepage Profile
  • Comixology Profile
  • Amazon Profile
  • Comic Book DB Profile

Social Media

  • Twitter Account (probably created by publisher to be "social media active")
  • Facebook (see Twitter)

Press (Articles and Interviews)

  • Comic Book Resources
  • Newsarama
  • Sequential Tart
  • Entertainment Weekly
  • Famous Newspaper (Blurb or review)

Intel Bullying - The Definitive Dossier

  • Media Bulllying
  • Cyber-Bullying
  • Intel Bullying

Have you ever been bullied by someone on TV or the internet with the secret and confidential information they gathered from you through hacking your PC and that they stole from you, specifically in an effort to destroy and sabotage you and your business credibility because they're afraid of competing with you? I have.

  • Pioneers:

Seth MacFarlane
Trey Parker
Matt Stone
Dan Schneider
Time Warner
Phineas and Ferb
World of Gumball
Bryan Johnston (The Steroid killer)

  • Media Bullies


Sabotaging Businesses
Sabotaging careers
General Sabotage
General Deception
Lying and Manipulation
Misappropriationg of confidential information

  • Who to report Their misconduct to:
the FBI
The Better Business Bureau
  • Intel Bullying

Domestic Spying
Computer hacking
Wifi Spynig-Hacking

  • Business Hacking

Businesses secretly hire and recruit hackers, and social engineers for hire, as part of business intelligence and corporate espionage, for use in business and corporate sabotage

  • Business Information Sabotage, Intel Bullying

Through business information espionage, businesses gather sensitive information and intelligence on employees of competing companies, make an effort to expose that confidential and sensitive and controversial top secret or taboo information to destroy those competitor's reputations careers, profits, and threaten their employment with those companies. Basically, it's businesses trying to destroy other businesses from the inside out


Please note, this goes on in the government and law enforcement bureaus a lot, but that is not what this report is about. This is not about Trump or the FBI, though they are both guilty of many secret crimes and misinformation. It's about non-authoritarian sectors applying authoritarian means to achieve economic ends, to maintain their monopolies on the market, which is against the law.

This report is about the American corporate media, and it's true agenda, which is to destroy less powerful perceived threats and competition to their bottom line. They want to eliminate competition, even competition at the bottom level.

Who is guilty of these violations? Pretty much every major media company involves itself in intelligence gathering. There is no innocent media company in this sense. It's the Civil Rights and Justice Bureaus responsibility to investigate and put a stop to this. 

Keep in mind, just because you possess compromising information does not mean that it is your responsibility to "destroy that person with their own information", which you gathered through illegal means of espionage to begin with. That's illegal on many levels. 

Monday, February 26, 2018

J.M. Matthews, Great Manga Works, and the Hiatuses That Plague Some of Them...

Well, someone on a message board said something about my End Times franchise's popularity online that really awoke in me to the reality of End Time's online popularity. The person said something to the effect of "J.M. Matthews is such a slacker. He's so lazy and his entire career is made of hiatuses, but, we all know that if he ever tweets or updates his webcomic with new material, it will shoot to the top of the Webcomics List top 500-600, Twitter Top 5, and Comic Fury Number 5-1 on their Bestseller and Highest Ratings Lists and eventually the Amazon bestseller list. It wasn't in those exact words, but the implication was thick enough. That's fascinating to me. Whatever material of End Times I do finish will be a chart topper.

No matter how long I wait, and no matter how little talent or work ethic I might have, no matter how long m hiatus, it will still reach The #1 Sales Spot on Twitter, Webcomics List, Comic Fury, and Amazon. It just being there is guaranteed the Top Spot on the Charts. Yay! Yes! It's branded! That means End Times is now a Brand. People will seek it out as long as I'm doing new design and story material for the world.

I owe my readership an apology. I need to apologize for the bulk of my working career being made of hiatuses. While I meet my Journal deadline, I realize when it comes to the End Times universe and schedule, despite my comic being massively popular, I know some of you have really been burned by all my hiatuses and delays. I'm going to do my best to work really hard to fix this problem if I get settled into my new place. I'll finally have a quiet place to work and focus my efforts, and once I'm settled in, assuming nothing or no one ruins everything, production should pick back up. The in-laws and I were a bad living mix, but until now I haven't had any options to leave the house to work somewhere else more quiet and peaceful, but it looks like that might change. I don't want to jinx myself, but things are looking up. And a more intense work schedule is highly likely. But I underestimated the damaging power of laziness, exhaustion, and fatigue that goes with being burnt out by an intense work schedule. Despite your best intentions and best efforts, you still get held back by laziness fatigue or whatever, despite constantly having the top spot on the charts, something can always get in the way, because despite it's social influence and power, comics making and manga-cartooning is still a delicate process. Even the Japanese workaholic culture of Japanese manga can get caught up in some malaise when it's only one person responsible for the whole thing. Even the likes of such hardworking Japanese comic book superstars as Toshihiro Togashi and Kentaro Miura are famous for their malaise, delays, hiatuses, and getting overwhelmed by the intense schedule of keeping up with their own comics and manga work. I didn't realize that not all Japanese creators made their schedules and deadlines on time and had to take long periods of time off just like me until later in my career. It wasn't until I was 27 or so when I first learned who Kentaro Miura and Toshihiro Togashi were and that they'd almost become more famous for DELAYING Their work than the fame of their work itself (Berserk, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hunter X Hunter). I wasn't so much delaying work as it was waiting for an opportunity to focus and resume maintaining my efforts like I had been in my 20s. Still, even in my 20s, I still vividly remember being depressed as hell about not being able to do MORE, MORE WORK and ENERGY in my career. I remember being so intimidated by the intensity of the market colliding with my own draining energies, and how people just always relentlessly and tirelessly demanded more stories. But now I'm in my 30s, and I haven't drawn active story-based pages (and not just something unplanned and random) since at least 2012. That was 5 whole years ago when I was 29 years old. The last age I did active new work was the age of 29. I'm 34 now. Something needs to be fixed. I'm sick of disappointing people, but at the same time, people watch me with such intensity. I know a 5-year wait may not be 10 or 15 years like some creators, but it's been long enough! It's time. Time to get back into the swing of things, and resume work on my magnum opus. I ask for just a little bit more patience from my readership, then maybe things can return to "normal", or at least me working again.  

Friday, February 16, 2018

The Tunnel of 1-Star Reviews

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 One Star July 29, 2015
I never received the product.
 Truly Bad June 12, 2015
I borrowed this for free through the Prime lending library. I've seen some poorly edited books but this is by far the worst. It's obvious from the first page that the author never spell checked his work. Compound words created becausethe author forgotto hit the spacebar are everywhere. Dialog is often not in quotes. Whole paragraphs are but quite often not dialog. Words are randomly capitalized; after commas, in the middle of sentences, common nouns.
The writing itself is. . . bad. I'm honestly at a loss for words trying to describe how to describe just how bad this really is.
A small sample of the narrative:

*He Temple first thing, second thing he thought was "Would began walking towards the front door, trying to seem full of good will and cheer, even though he was a salesman He knocked on the front door. It echoed throughout the Temple and the air in the parking lot, at a great distance.*

That's from the first page and first story. A story about a salesman who approaches a temple of monks to sell said monks life insurance and then, for no discernable reason, asks joins the monk's order but would rather have money. The end. That's the entire story.

The rest of the writing is just as bad. The comics look like the doodles junior high school students make in their notebooks while they're not paying attention in their English class.

In conclusion? This is horrible, some of the worst writing I've seen. If it weren't for the ease with which people can self publish these days the only people who would have been subjected to this authors writing would have been his parents, friends and the occasional unfortunate teacher. Avoid this.Show Less
1 of 1 people found the following helpful
 Matthews End Times is a disappointing amateurish effort with a non-starter of a story April 15, 2015
I'm reluctant to provide really negative feedback to authors, but this just seems like someone was bored at lunch, quickly drew some stuff and thought, hey, I wonder if I can make this into a book. With the caveat that I don't read a lot of magna and some who are more immersed in that genre may find some redeeming qualities, this just simply looks like lazy work. Not "on-the-edge cool and raw" but just lazy. Now let's get to the story, or lack thereof. There just isn't a story here. The book's main benefits are no additional cost (I grabbed this through Kindle Unlimited) and the actual story is quite brief so you don't lose much time with it.

Also, I'm not sure why the author includes "The Anthology" in the title but this isn't an anthology.Show Less

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Hands down, the best PM I ever got on LinkedIn: Shinichiro Ishikawa (Studio Gonzo)

Here is my favorite PM I ever got of all time:

Dear J.M. 

Thank you for your interest in me and our products! It is always a great surprise that people elsewhere in the world could be connected through what we create. Whenever you have a chance to come to Tokyo, please do not hesitate to contact me again! 

Best regards, 

Shin (Ishikawa)

[Shinichiro Ishikawa is one of the founders of Studio Gonzo]

THIS Shinichiro Ishikawa (Link)

But normally, I don't network and tell....But I'll make an exception this time...

Anime and manga isn't about bragging on the designers, screenwriters or executives you know in Japan It's about putting your budget where your mouth is!

But then again, I'm not really Japanese anime. Or am I? heh heh.