Monday, April 8, 2013

End TImes: Not an End After All

About drawing manga and anime. I still draw End Times. I still like End Times, and will continue to draw End Times indefinitely, most likely. BUT (and this part is key), I do not plan on making it the only major project I work on for the rest of my life. I've been observing stuff like MegaTokyo, and it's pretty good what Piro's done with MegaTokyo. But I can't help but wonder, is he going to only be drawing that 1 series for the rest of his life, since he's the most successful manga-ka in America? I feel like enough people pay attention to my work I do now. But I don't want to ONLY draw End Times for the rest of my life. I'm definitely planning on taking up new series ideas in the future. Building upon the work ethic I already have built up, but on different worlds, characters, story arcs, and design looks, or maybe the same design look. Whatever I'm comfortable doing. I've come to realize I feel like I've gotten a little too comfortable doing the same series and stories nonstop for, (what is it?), 9 years now?

I don't really have anything going on outside of End Times. Outside of End Times I pretty much have nothing, just a lot of impatience, disharmony, and unhappiness accumulated from years of unpaid, uncredited work on comics projects.

Focusing too much on 1 thing for so long uses up so much of my power, it's a great load off of my shoulders.  I actually feel like I'm able to live a more normal life again, as it's not overshadowed by ENORMOUS LIFE-CONSUMING, LIFE-DRAINING PROJECTS.

Needless to say, this shift in direction comes as a big relief to me. 

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