Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Writer-Artists-Author Exercise: "Pick An Illustration, Add Words...

Okay. Here goes. Here's an illustrated short story, using newer artwork of mine....


Wielding my blade, I felt ready for any obstacle. Any obstacle, that wasn't this.

Eventually, I made my way to the catacombs. I'd heard about this place, but had never actually seen it up close, or at all really. These places were famous for their deadly traps and nasty dead ends, or so the ancient legend in the data-sphere goes. But we all know better than to believe what we read online, right?

As I wandered about the various corridors, I could hear the echoes of my footsteps ricochet through the dusty, sand covered air. If you were a pharaoh, this would be your tomb. Good thing I'm not a pharaoh.  

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