Saturday, November 24, 2012

Speaking of the Arab World as it Exists Outside of the United States...

WHY IS the Arab world so....Muslim and violent? Why DO Arabs and Jews and Christians hate and kill and slaughter each other so much anyway? Why are they so passionate about death and violence? Haven't they got better things to do than set car bombs off, fund concentration camps in Germany, and crash planes into architecture? You'd think people would have  better things to do with their time, ethically, and intellectually. 

Israel, Palestine, and Jerusalem. Jesus and the Jews. These people clearly hate each other and don't get along. They're like my own neighbors and brother, times a Million in terms of Animosity.

It probably has more to do with the cultural history of the "Holy" Bible more than anything else. If the Bible is so "Holy", how come it's setting and the location of its narrative is one of the most violent, uncultured places in existence today. All that fighting, and what do they have to show for it. Certainly not a Renaissance like Italy and Southeast Asia had in the late Twentieth Century. 

And I say this as an Arab Man living in America. People want to understand Arab Culture, but honestly, what is there to understand? War, the Bible, and Car bombing? I'm glad I live in America and the Western World, quite frankly.

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