Friday, March 23, 2012

Strategy in Comics Making Essentially = "How To"

One of the number 1 mistakes artists (including me in the past) make when attempting to draw comics and sequential art, is thinking you can approach a page merely with “talent and artistic vision and intuition”. One thing many young artists and writers overlook in their process and technique is the importance of STRATEGY. "What is strategy and how do you define it?", you ask? Simple: A strategy is a technique, a method, and a plan. Strategy is the HOW of things. When you look at “How-To” tutorials online, you’re essentially learning about basic strategy. If you don’t have an actual PLAN you use, learn from other artists, or make up to assist your process in constructing sequential art pages, you probably won’t FINISH the page(s), because there won’t be anything cohesively organizing the components of your art.

Strategy = How

If you don’t know HOW to construct a comic book page, you probably WON’T construct a comic book page. Strategy involves analyzing difficulties and problems along the way, and problem solving by finding solutions to problems that are stopping you from achieving your goal (In this case, let’s say the goal is to produce a page of sequential art). Bottom line? If you have a plan, problem solving process, and approach, or technique, and know HOW to do something, then you already HAVE a strategy.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

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