Monday, March 5, 2012

CHANGE: We ALL want and need change in our lives.....But Change does NOT come easily. It never has.

Listen otaku. I know how much we anime and animation fans and aspiring professionals want and pray and wish and hope for active change in our lives. But I learned something important today that changed my outlook, on human nature.

Human nature doesn't change, especially not quickly.

Here's how you can answer ANY question about your future (says the psychic).

Let's go with the question "Where will I BE in my life 10 or 20 years from now?"

"Where you'll BE..." "Where your "destiny" will take you is probably exactly where you already are...UNLESS some radical shift in the market happens, but even then it's doubtful everything, from human nautre to most people's life and career path, will actually change that much.

Bottom line:

Wherever you are now is where you will be 10 to 20 YEARS from now as well
(95% of the time)

I'd love to be all idealistic and preach radical change, but radical change isn't realistic. How things are now, is! Do what you already can do, not what you've always "wanted to do". It will be much more likely to pay off doing what you already know how to do or are already doing. There's plenty of tactics for change that we already KNOW how to do, that's available to us, but we're ignoring it in favor of idealistically dreaming and fantasizing about ourselves in the so-called "Ideal Future". The future builds on the present, not the other way around.

It's the Newtonian Law of Inertia as applied to idealism and Taking Action Socially or in terms of Work and Career. Dreams in motion tend to stay in motion. Ambition's action at rest tends to stay at rest.

We want things to change, we WANT to change our ways, we WANT to change our lives, and transform our lives and habits, but unless we do small things now and take the initiative with the resources available to us NOW, those hopes will NEVER be realized. 4 Yer Healthhhhh

One of the best things you CAN do, if you're feeling stuck or stranded, as I have felt much of the time, is not to be complacent, but focus on the work and labor you CAN do. Exploit and profit from the strengths YOU ALREADY HAVE, stop focusing on the talents you think you might one day want to have, or eventually MIGHT have. Idealized assets do nothing more than distract us from our tangible ones we actually do have that we can all build upon.

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