Saturday, October 7, 2017

End Game. ...MY. END. GAME. Here It Finally Is...

End Game This. End Game That. Everyone keeps talking about my End Game, just because I titled my book “End Times”. Jeez, people, I have a so-called “End Game”, but it's not “murder and world domination”. It's to leverage my self-publishing career into a contract with a corporate mainstream literary publisher, for books and/or comics, and to get an art and/or comics and/or lawyer and literary agent, and cash in on some perennial New York Times bestselling books and comics in the mainstream, and to become the next George R.R. Martin or J.K. Rowling. Is that really so “scammy” or “devious”. All I want is to make some money. I don't have much now. Hardly any. Naturally, I'd dream of achieving self-made wealth in the literary publishing and internet market. Bottom line, I dream of one day being even just HALF As rich as all the people reading and admiring me on twitter. They have something they take for granted that I don't have. That I don't hav and have never had. Lots of money, so I can move out, be independent and complete all my shopping lists, which honestly aren't that vast. Just a few hundred things. If you support me, WISH ME LUCK! Or better yet. Hire me. I'm old enough to work. I've been working for free like a plantation farm sweatshop slave boy my whole life. I say it's time I change that equation. For the Better.

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