Tuesday, September 25, 2012

"Why can't North America and Japan Be The Same Thing??" - An American and Japanese Animation Industry Analysis

They CAN'T be the same industry, purely because their natures, intentions, and structures are very different. 

Here's a rundown.

North American Animation Industry

The American Animation Industry contains both males and females, is tied closely to the Hollywood system ever since Disney, is run primarily by older people, but watched mostly  by 2 to 12 year olds during the daytime, has no clear internet subculture the way anime does, is the most profitable and mainstream animation industry by business standards, and is primarily more profitable than cinematic or cultural.

Japan Animation Industry

Japanese Animation Industry is populated by both male and female fans, has a very visible internet and convention based "otaku" subculture, is linked to international culture and is primarily Japanese. It is more cinematic and cultural than profitable.

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