Saturday, July 7, 2012

Thoughts on Building and Running an Animation Studio

How to Found and Run an Animation and Multimedia Studio / Publisher

First off, websites and TV have one of many things in common: The "Hiding Behind The Screen Illusion" Effect.

We see what's on screen for both TV and internet websites, but that's all we see. How it's made, organized, funded, managed, delegated, and operated remains a mystery to the viewer.

In the best case scenario, you don't know the production staff is there.

In the worst case, they make their presence brutally obvious, even to the point of seeming childish (We'll call this Deviant Teenage Screen Syndrome) TV is the opposite of this.

There could be 1 person behind the website or TV show, or 1,000. 1 or an Army.

It could be produced from an office, or it could be broadcasted or published by a kid in his bedroom. Most of the time we don't really know which it is.

Hollywood Studio Producer vs. Solo Home Studio Producer: Compare and Contrast

Too many kids growing up on animation, when they think animation, they think teamwork, they think what I'll refer to as the Disney System or the Marvel Way of Production, where it's an assembly line operation, the same kind of operation that's  been running most of traditional Hollywood and Los Angeles since the early 1900s. This is always what we mostly see in DVD documentaries, even in anime. The 1-person home studio demo reel pilot model of animation and comic book production is underappreciated and underrated. But one advantage that method of production has is it costs nothing or almost nothing, and it can be more efficient and faster in some instances, no teamwork required.

The former is all of what we see on TV. The latter is half of what we see on YouTube and Online

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