Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Subjectivity of Money

Laws are set up to limit us.
Constitutional Amendments are set up to limit AND help us.

Because all laws, including copyright laws, are man made, they are flawed just as man is flawed, and therefore not exempt from scrutiny.

We get certain things for free. We get paid for certain things. And some of us charge money for certain things. Again, just because people yield to these often obnoxious and silly demands dreamed up by the government, the senate, lawyers, and big business, that doesn't change the fact that they're founding nature is subjective.

Why do we have laws? Who's supposed to follow them? And when is it okay to break them (see segregation, slavery, and genocide)

Truth is, what people choose to charge and claim and not to charge and claim is subjective.

There may be laws in place, but because time changes reality and society changes, and the laws governing reality are created by individuals whose wills and decisions are governed by their own personal human all pervasive subjectivity, and the subjectivity of whatever the generation in power is, all governing principles are vulnerable to change.

Is it right to charge money for water and electricity, when people die without it? Is it okay to NOT give things away to the third world because it's "our property" even though sharing "our property" with "The Other" creates a greater sense of equality?

The same theory applies to licensing property on the internet.


What I preach is not anarchy. It is a literal interpretation of utilitarianism. 

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