Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Social Influence In International Territory

Apparently if a 13 y.o. Japanese girl writes of you're artwork online "It's horribly crappy", apparently they really think the opposite, that you're the greatest thing around. Why is this? Well, if we look up social influence, and its sub-chapter, "Culture" on our good friend Wiki, unlike American kids and teens, Japanese kids and teens belittle and show indifference towards that which they "know everyone else likes".

As the article says:

"Japan likewise has a collectivist culture and thus a higher propensity to conform; however, in a 1970 Asch-style study, it was found that, when alienated, Japanese students would be susceptible to anticonformity (given answers that were incorrect even when the group coincided on correct answers) one third of the time."

So in Japan, it's opposite day EVERY day? Wow! How totally good, er I mean HORRIBLY CRAPPY.

I suppose cybercommenting is no exception. Ah, the weirdness and deception that is Japanese psychology.

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