Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The TRUTH about Manic-Depression. The Upside: FOCUS

Doctors go on and on about "how dangerous mania is", but they fail to note it's benefits.

Mania doesn't just give you a boost and energy. It gives the person who experiences it hyper-focus.

Why is more focus a bad thing according to doctors.

The truth is, people need a lot of focus to get a lot of work done.

And I have this theory that isn't really documented very much, but I am quite certain it's true:

The theory is:

Energy level and Focus Level are Correlated. Energy makes Focusing on Your Work, Art, Writing, and tasks the easiest thing in the world.

When one does not have energy in their system, one is unable to focus. If you don't have energy, you WON'T focus, and will probably suffer from depression, lack of focus, and high amounts of sloth, tiredness, and fatigue, thus making it impossible to be a truly productive worker.

There are benefits to mania. But it's energy in general that benefits our attention, focus, and concentration levels.

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