Sunday, January 22, 2012

Control Freaks on the Other Side...

I don't know if it's some kind of twisted game, or people get off on "taking their own control" by attempting to deny me power. I don't know why people try to push that bill. It's insane, just like them.

How in the world are you going to pretend MY power doesn't exist. I'm already well aware of it. It's too ubiquitous for anyone to NOT notice it. How in the world are you going to attempt to "hide" MY power. It's everywhere. You can't hide something ubiquitous. You can't hide something that's everywhere.

I'm well aware of the scope of my own power, on numerous levels and accounts. Most people don't have what I have. I don't have a monopoly on power, and i'm not the only person WITH power, but I am well aware I control the media and communications market, business, and medium. In General. Does the public and big business media types really think I'm unaware of this power level of mine? How are YOU going to "step in front of that to block my vision of it" when it's pretty much out in the open, pretty much everywhere we go? Especially TV and the web. You can't go 20 feet without someone copying, quoting, looking like, or referencing me. How in the world do you think I'm oblivious to all this. I'm not. I'm well aware of it. And it all started with the internet. Nice.

On a certain level, even though they are quite oblivious to the obvious sometimes, my family's aware of it too, even though they don't enjoy talking about MY influence (at all really), not half as much as my friends do. But no, they're not THAT stupid. They know what's going on with me and the media. They've admitted it on numerous occassions. My family is gullible, but not THAT gullible, to think that the world and me have nothing to do with eachother even though we look "exactly alike". Gee, who ARE these people trying to fool anyway. What you thought you could pull an epic PR plagiarism stunt and no one in my family but me was gonna call you out on it. Doesn't work that way.

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