Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Biggest Mystery In The World: Success and "Failure"

I'm nobody. I don't make any money. So why does one of the most powerful, famous, and downright rich and spoiled Hollywood animation producers in the world (who makes a $50 million salary no less)...why is he so psychotically obsessed with me? Why does he want to live my life for me in his stupid TV shows he created. Why is someone so rich, famous, and powerful obsessed with being little old me, and living MY life. I have nothing. He has everything. So why does he want to be me? Why does he keep trying to be me? What's his motive? What does he stand to gain from such exploitation?....of me.

I find myself asking myself that a lot. Why him/them? Why me? How can someone so successful be so dissatsified and bored with his own million dollar Hollywood life and still want to live through the life of someone else, who has next to nothing?? That would be me.

I don't get it. I don't understand the motivation  behind such actions. I never have.
Why are people with so much, who are so spoiled so obsessed with someone who has it so difficult? I can't for the life of me figure this one out. It's not like he'd ever admit why he's stalking me. And his show is full of lies, so it's not like I'd find any truth there either.

I can't wrap my mind around it. If I had that kind of money, I'd probably ignore someone like me. I'd be satisfied with my own life. I don't know, maybe success makes it too easy for us or something. But why does someone with such high status and who's so very, very rich, obsess over and write about someone who's so very very unlucky and poor. I've always admired and been obsessed with rich and famous people...until I got a taste of my own obsessive admiration medicine from people who were already where I wanted to be at that age, at least in terms of career status.

Such confusing feelings these TV shows create, they do.

And yet, while our lives are different, I do kind of see the point he's trying to make. We have some things in common.

He has a great sense of humor. I have a great sense of humor.
He's a prominent writer. I'm a prominent writer.
He's an animation fan/professional. I'm an animation hobbyist.
He covers a wide variety of subject matter. I cover a wide variety of subject matter.

And even though he does comedy and I do drama (for the most part), I'm aware of the commonalities.

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