Monday, December 19, 2011

Not getting paid what you're worth....

Can your likeness, work, productivity, and influence make millions and billions of people worldwide happy and satisfied just as much as the biggest names in media, yet never get paid ANY credit or money for it on a legal level, let alone millions of $? Is that even possible for some people to make no money and get paid nothing for being really really successful, while others easily do for doing a lot less. Hell yes you can help billions of people and they refuse to pay you any money for ANYTHING. I know FIRSTHAND this is true.

Legally, I can attest to that. And technically, I've resisted the urge to take legal action and never ended up suing people and corporations over it. Lucky them. Fortunately, I've taken the high road. It'll pay eventually, I'm pretty sure. I'd sue certain people BIG TIME if I WASN'T certain I will be paid money for my efforts one day.

Yeah, I'm definitely not at all paid what I'm actually really worth. Not by a LONG SHOT.

Must be the black hair, tan skin, and glasses. I knew they were a liability in the media but JESUS CHRIST, is that what's costing me million in lost profits? How sad is that on the world's part?

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