Thursday, December 29, 2011

Article Online About TV Animation. Perfectly Explained: The End of an Era: The Creator-Driven Era of TV Animation

Creator Driven Animation on Television


Apparently my own career goals were a bit more farsighted than I ever could have imagined, as proven by the concepts about the animation industry in America, pointed out by Animation Brew.

Other than me, and, say, Brad Neely, just who is there to stand up for the Creator-Driven Animation cause exactly? Nobody that's who! Not at the cable networks and Fox anyway.

In terms of what's getting made and greenlit, it's:

A) Creator-driven shows from the generation that actually could do creator-driven animation, that the networks are still leaching off of (Simpsons, South Park, Peter Griffen, Spongebob. They're a lot more profit driven than they've ever been creator-driven.

B) Non-American animation from France, Canada, and Japan

C) Revivalist shows of revivalist franchises that were never created with the intent of artistry to begin with.

This generation is not one of visionary auteur operations, with nothing more than a 2% exception (Adventure Time, Regular Show, etc., and they're mostly following that example for the "glory" (i.e. bragging to your stoner and geek buddies at Comic-Con you SOLD a show. Whoopeeeeee!!!), not because they actually have any actual "innovative, new ideas")

Other mediums than TV animation seem to offer a lot more hope for people with new ideas to offer, independent, and/or online stuff. Self-produced stuff you design yourself in your bedroom and upload. You know the deal.

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