Monday, August 18, 2014


Ext. - Jay's House - Day

Open Shot Wide, as we see Jay's house from the exterior, no cars in driveway. It is a quiet weekday afternoon in suburban nowhere. This could be any neighborhood.

Cut to:

Int. - Jay's house - Day

The camera floats around the interior of Jay's house as it closes in on the source of all the activity, Jay in his secondary home office.

There are books and papers and magazines scattered to nearly all corners of Jay's Home Office.
We then establish a camera shot of Jay himself, hard at work on his computer, researching and navigating the labyrinth of the online world. The screen has a peculiar neon glow, as windows and menu bars pop up and scroll across the screen

Jay is checking his email.

Computer Voice
You, Have, Two, Messages.

Cool! Somebody contacted me!

Computer Voice
Message, from, Producer, of Anime, Studio.

Finally! The higher ups are interested in my ideas. I should respond to this

Jay clicks the respond button, and begins typing email to Anime Producer.

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