Wednesday, December 11, 2013

An Essay - Rise of the Transnationals: The Fall of Xenophobia in A Digital Age

Rise of the Transnationals

An Essay

Online, on the internet, anybody can talk to anybody if they know the URL or email or @Name! Which could have potentially resulted in some social catastrophes and international incidents many a time, but for the most part, never did. The internet doesn't just bring people together. It's  bringing the entire world together, to form some kind of new hybrid technological and digital cultural Pangaea, with long term worldwide ramifications, especially on current culture, current society, and has many future implications. It's easier to be international and harder to be a racist or nationalist than ever before, as everything has slowly come to be integrated, leading back to that Digital Pangaea concept I am proposing to Thinkers, Historians, Cultural Analysts and Scientists of the WORLD'S future. Not just America's.

The internet is making us less racist or xenophobic, and more like that global village Marshall McLuhan tried to tell us all about. The internet has fought off terrorism, big brother, bigotry, xenophobia, espionage, and censorship like no medium before it, and maybe none after it. If any major media medium DOES in fact come after it, which scientifically speaking, will always be a possibility, especially when you think about the fact that less than 30 years ago the only thing technological we all used were traditional phones (NOT smart phones), televisions, radio, news, and compact discs. My how the world has changed. Will THE WORLD manage to keep up with technology itself when so much of it can't afford technology half the time with some exceptions? Hard to tell. That's a "global resources issue"

What this cultural phenomenon of the world coming together I've been seeing is something I've decided to call and refer to as "Trans-national culture". Trans-national media. Transnational society. Transnational issues. Trans-national dialogue. Trans-national socialization. All the kids really like that last one. Those same kids will travel to those very countries they discover through the internet some day. Not "Just Us". Not "Just Americans". But the internet makes culture portable, as impossible as that sounds. Japan was a pioneer of media encouraged tourism. Not just Los Angeles and Disney.

Bottom line: The foreign world seems just a little less foreign. More like a LOT less foreign

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