Saturday, August 18, 2012

Drawing On Command.....Realistic Goal or Non-Realistic Goal

There is definitely a difference between drawing randomly and without consistency for months and years on end, and drawing on command. I've seen plenty of artists at in drawing classes who have actually trained and practiced their art so much, that have mastered their talent so much, they can actually appear to turn their talent on and off, and draw masterworks on the spot at will. This is one thing many professional artists are able to do. Unfortunately, I've never had this ability. Half the time, when I try to force art out of myself, I end up a 12 year old. But if I keep at it, I can usually get some actual good artwork out of myself and onto paper after numerous failed attempts at sketches.

Artists who can draw on command at will are powerful indeed. They are like a lightswitch, or faucet. And most of the people who are that way, and who do have it that easy certainly don't have a hard time finding work, as being able to draw actual good art on the spot (and not bad) can make one very employable.

And then there are other artists who are like nature. Measurable and powerful once they've done their thing, but very hard to foresee.

I'm the latter not the former, because if I was the former kind of artist, who could draw well on command, I'd adjust my entire schedule around the times I knew for certain I'd actually manage to get good drawings out of myself.

At times I actually do wish my drawing process was as predictably reliant as certain other professional artists. 

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