Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Difference Between Nerds/Geeks and Actual Smart People...

Nerd has become a poplular trend in pop culture. But because it's become such a popular classification with stupid as fuck models and actresses on TV, it's lost all recognizability and respectibility. Being a nerd is NOT cool in my opinion...BECAUSE the stereotype nerds we see AREN'T smart. What smart things do the douchebag actors on the Big Bang Theory actually say. They're self-hating self-defeatists, never uttering a single word that's  SMART OR INSIGHTFUL.

Cool Smart Things is what I'm into, NOT "being a nerd". The fact that people make up a social category for it only proves how Darwinian it's becoming to call yourself a nerd. It's like calling your self a jock. You're only there to chase the vintage Hollywood-actress-pussy.

Actual SMART people like myself. Now they're actually cool. People with beards on PBS, the Science Channel, and C-SPAN. Daniel Dennet, Richard Dawkins, Billy Gates, Michio Kaku, Dexter of Dexter's laboratory. Ken Wilber. Classic philosophers and authors from history. Albert Einstein. Grown men who authenitically care about science and systematic analysis, without that pretentious empty sitcom or talk show element to it.

Those guys are the definition of Cool!

Not some drama fag playing pretend, watching Adult Swim or G4 in a pair of Buddy Hollys. That's the opposite of cool. It's an insult to REAL intellectuals. Clowns.

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