Friday, July 12, 2019

J.M. Matthews Meets Miltons (pre-porn 2002 era)

I remember the greatest class I took was at the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale. It was for the Media Arts and Animation program for an Animation class. Cali and Mari Milton two sisters who were heir to the Milton Bradley Game Empire, who have little fear of judgment, infamy, or controversy, sat right next to me in my animation class. They were not coerced or forced. They just had a crush on me, and found me fascinating, so they sat beside me. They laughed at all my gags and jokes. Good sense of humor. I was friends-classmates with the Milton Sisters (2002, before they began the porn saga). They had long black hair. And dressed like Kerouac groupies in gothed out black longsleeve black jeans beatnik cafe attire. They were around 16, I was 17, or at least it was that age range. The Milton's sat on both sides of me at my desk. I don't remember our conversations if we had any. We never actually did anything. I left them behind and went back on the bus alone to my dorm room. I didn't realize how famous and rich they'd become from porn making online later in life.

When Cary (and probably Peggy) attempted to baker-act me and destroy my academic career by Baker-Acting me from the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale all because I never talked to my parents on the phone when I was away, the Miltons were two of the first responders to me. They tailed and followed my parents car going straight to the hospital, unknown to my parents. Everyone was driving in the dark The drive their my parents were blitheringly terrified. They treated the Miltons following our car on I-4, with the way Beth, Mom, and Dad were treating it, you'd think the T-1000 from Terminator 2 was chasing them. 2 Little Girls had my parents by the balls. The Miltons were happy to see Mom forced to sit with them in the waiting room like some chump. Mom actually bullied the black haired Miltons when she met them. “Whore's aren't allowed in the waiting room” she said trying to discourage their active sexual fetish for me she'd heard of. Mom's dead now. The Miltons are rich and famous and I was their first mentor. I had 1 Milton on each side of me. I remember some of the classmates mocking them, mimicking their laugh condescendingly. They got mocked more than I did

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