Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Let's Discuss the Martial Arts...Fighting Advice

 I'm no master of the martial arts and fighting of course, but I do know a few things. Not just when you punch someone to do any real damage to them you have to snap your arm back after you push it forward to make the punch quicker. I studied Karate for a long time when I was a kid, and I practice general martial arts and kendo fencing. I know enough about certain moves that I know if you master just one move with enough practice if you practice it enough you can get really far as a fighter on just one move. Take me for an example, I really only fully understand one fighting move other than speed punching, and that's the roundhouse kick. But what a roundhouse it is, and I'm skilled enough at it that you wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of it in a fight. ESPECIALLY if I'm wearing sneakers. I've only used it in a fight with my brother once, and I won the fight against him. He never fought me again after that. He retired from fighting with me. He recognized his superior. He's the smart one.

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