Wednesday, October 7, 2015

What's Real, What's the Deal...Famous Family Member

So as some of you may or may not know, according to a recent statement my birth mother admitted to in a phone conversation when I met and spoke to her in my early adult years for the first and perhaps only few times, she mentioned recent revelations that I, Joseph-James, aka, J.M. Matthews am related to the famous Trappist Monk, Thomas Merton, who was born in France in the early Twentieth Century, who was well liked by many sacred religious figures, such as the Dalai Lama, and the Pope, who mentioned Merton recently, which can also be found on Google. It might sound odd, but honestly, the more I looked into it, the more it matched up: My birth father who I've never known directly, was indeed a Trappist Monk, born in Kentucky, which is where Merton spent much of his life as a Trappist monk working and studying. And then there are the Journals, and the mysticism, and the writing abilities. And the East-Meets-West Philosophy...And the Religious and Mystical concepts in my work and stories and cartoons..And the more I learned about the connection, the more it matched up with the information I've gathered on my own personal information...Merton isn't just related to me by DNA. We both thought about many things and experience life in the same ways much of the time. Our commonality is Profoundly Similar on a more hidden level. If you read Merton's books, the books he wrote say it all. If you want to know how I think, learn about how Merton thought. There is a connection and similarity there a lot of people apparently missed. Our writing has a lot of similar elements to it. BECAUSE we are connected by our genealogy!

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