Thursday, April 23, 2015

What End Times IS...How to Be Innovative

END TIMES isn't just an experimental book or comic book series.

It is an Experimental Avant-Garde pan-medium project. It's a series concept more than anything. A lot of people asked me "What is it"? "Is it comic book? Is it a manga? Is it a video game? Is it a TV show? Is it a novel? Is it a Feature Film". 

In a way, END TIMES is the blueprints for all of those things and none of those things. I just remember being REALLY obsessed with creating TV show pitches, TV production roles (Character design, concept design, screenwriting, production design, storyboards), and TV series "series bibles" at the time, and  that really ended up getting reflected in the final product. That nonlinear development path with no predictable destination, more likely to drive me to bankruptcy than millionairesville in L.A. It didn't conform to the pre-existing guidelines in the beginnings. It didn't "follow the rules" of industry formatting by sticking to any one area of production or media completely. It confused a lot of people. It was "too innovative, ambitious, and smart" in the eyes of the Industry.

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