Thursday, February 5, 2015

America: With Inferiority for All. The Falsehood of Equality

Well I know the internet likes to promote a fraudulent message of fake equality, that the 7 billion people on this planet are all EXACTLY the same thing, act EXACTLY the same way, and all function with a knowledge base at EXACTLY the SAME level. Which is a lie.  I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we AREN'T all the same. We are NOT "all equal". Some of us are indeed better than others. Some of us aren't just BETTER than others. Some of us are LIGHT YEARS AHEAD OF OTHERS, of EVERYONE ELSE. That's what the media doesn't want us to question is this False Equality. The Illusion of Equality. Some people ARE better than many others, and some are WORSE than many others. Not everyone has the same level of ability and skill, and not everyone is smart or has the right to call themselves "equally proficient" at any of those things, because "we" are NOT.

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