Saturday, March 22, 2014


Currently I am the only animation broadcaster of my kind on Ustream.

This all started when one day I wanted a way to broadcast videos straight from my video PC Hard Drive straight to an internet server. That technology to broadcast from your desktop to a worldwide online server that connects to Windows or something of that nature...does not exist.

So I pursued the next best thing. Online uploading hosts with algorithmic playlists.

I tried Glomera first, but their website retired from business.
Then I tried wirecast. Hard to figure out. Plus it doesn't protect your videos from skipping.
Then I tried livestream, but if you subscribe to them, they don't let you have an autopilot playlist the way their trial website does.
So, eventually I ended up going with Ustream, which is the best option for broadcasting video collections online.

I also switched from Google Sites to, because Google Sites uses content censorship without consulting webmasters or the people providing them content. Bad move.

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