Saturday, November 30, 2013

How to Handle Criticism of Your Work....

I was very sensitive to criticism early on. I was a delicate flower. Really, I was....Until I got criticized publicly A LOT.

The key is not to "overcome criticism". That will never happen. You never WILL completely get over it. There will always be those one or two slanderous or negative comments you hear on TV or online that will keep repeating themselves in your mind.

The key is managing how you DEAL with it. Coming to terms with public sentiment towards your work. Artists may WANT TO be as respected as Miyazaki or whoever, but unless you have the courage, patience, and fortitude to hold out and wait an eternity to build your career up to that level, which takes dozens upon dozens of years, even a quarter of a century or more, you'll never make it that far unless you have some kind of self-made system going for yourself. Some artists do. Some artists don't. That's just how it is.

But yes. The criticism never does stop. As long as your aiming FOR the TOP, there will be criticism of you. Often from people who have what amounts to the exact same goals as yourself. But if someone is saying something nasty about you, they're that much further from ever achieving their OWN goals. Those who can, do, those who can't, criticize.

Here's the thing about success and fear. And don't be fooled by celebrities who look confident, stable, independent and fearless. Performers who have been performing for 60 YEARS still can be found throwing up in a bucket backstage before a concert every night. Success can and will scare shit out of almost anybody. At some point, if you truly want to be successful, you have to know your  fear. Know what humiliates or terrorizes you, because unless you're one of "the lucky ones", you WILL have to confront your fear and embarrassment. Successful artists must deal with fear. Successful, CONTROVERSIAL artists must deal with fear AND humiliation much of the time. Even if its just people motivated by petty jealousy or sabotage. Be it a fan or tabloid reporter.

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