Saturday, June 29, 2013

Those Crappy Little Details You Always Nod Off With

You know, just because I'm technically a blue blood British-French Royal Disowned Descendant doesn't mean it's going to buy me a house (let alone a mansion or castle), get me a TV show, earn me a fortune, (far as I can tell, I'm headed to the poor house when I'm 50) or even earn me anyone's respect. It probably won't even make me famous. Political Power in the International Community (which is considerably more DIFFICULT to "steal" from me than my face, hair, glasses, or general likeness, which apparently I've always had but was never aware of until last year) doesn't signify anything to the family I currently live with. I have no real clout. Half the time no one cares, and the other half assume you're krazy for evensaying such a thing. That is the reality of being a blue blood in the southeastern United States. Nobody Cares. And you can't really expect anyone to care either

While I'm no Caligula (genius behind such chart topping classics as "FAGGOT!" and "FUCK ISLAM!"), I have done my share of foolish things. And that's saying a lot, because Caligula was a tyrant, a bully, a laughter sniper, a cyberbully and a fool. Not ONLY was he foolish enough to attempt to tyrannize, prostitute, and terrorize everyone in my own neighborhood. He had a pair of BALLS on him, just like Bryan Johnston, but eventually someone (hint: it was me) cut them off and threw his ass in jail. But before that happened, he even had the blind audacity to challenge me at some of the places I still have THE MOST POWER (DeviantART, YouTube, AND the Adult Swim Boards. ALL of which he knew about by hacking and cyberstalking me the same way Hitler did.) First there was he Rise and fall of Hitler and the Nazi Party, which was secretly encouraged by the Deep South KKK, and Caligula's kitten burning and torturing Central Florida "Empire". I'm glad I put a stop to all that. It was QUITE psychotic. But it's a known fact Hitler and Caligula were both power hungry, BOTH SOCIOPATHIC TYRANTS in their little communities, and had both aided and abetted eachothers simultaneous secret plot to overthrow MY real power. I don't think they really knew who they were messing with, otherwise they'd still be trying to pull that "neighborhood terrorist" bullshit, today, 2,000 days later. 

And people say I "need a job". I do have a job. Bustin criminals. 

And I'm technically not a Politician. I'm a writer. I'm the descendant of a Monarchy, but the adoption which I went through removed me from that lifestyle so much with no one being the wiser, no one takes ME seriously. Everyone worships celebrity in America. Not royalty. 

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