Tuesday, December 4, 2012

There seems to be a whole shitload of people....

Who just seem to want to "do what I do", and "follow in my footsteps".

Why on earth anyone would want to face THAT MUCH hostility & rejection [from EVERYONE]  is BEYOND ME.

Kind of confuses me a bit. Trying to perfect your art can be difficult when so many people only want to pay attention to your surface details and personality.

Eh, it's a living.....

Well, actually, I remember I at one point really admired Dave Sim, then when everyone accused him of being a "misogynist" in the media and online because of shit he wrote somewhere and the shitstorm of shallow animosity it unleashed on him, I very well could have been foreseeing my own controversy and destiny....one of great conflict and animosity from the public and peers. I remember seeing how HATED Dave Sim was, just as I am now, and thinking to myself "Wow. That guy gets under certain people's skin just for bashing feminism, a stupid concept anyway. He is SO FUCKING AWESOME!!!" I love "the hated guy". I always have, ever since the 90s. Probably because I AM the hated guy. That's one aspect of celebrity and publicity I can relate to: "Being hated". The hated guy is almost always the one that reflects the truth about how nasty society really is. How we're always ready to throw a brick and a stone on the guy (or girl) who really doesn't commit a crime, but instead "commits the crime of showcasing the worst aspects we're afraid of seeing and especially confronting in ourselves". From Marilyn Manson to Fred Durst to mugshots. I love it all! I love watching people acting like bitches about stuff. It's fun to LAUGH at the stupidity and thoughtless lynch mob mentality of the biased and bigoted (among other things) general public.

But Cerebus is quite the comic. I always sense an unrefined RAGE and ANGER and HATRED about Dave Sim and his best work, Cerebus. And I like Gundam too. In their prime they were driven by Anger and Rage. And Hatred. So is Metal and Hip-Hop. And Goth culture. Is this a dangerous element:? Maybe, but emotionally, channeling Anger, Rage, and Unfettered Hatred into An Epic Narrative and Lyricism is VERY appealing. Go ahead and KILL THOSE BITCHES. You're creative spirit will be eternally grateful to you. Channeling Anger and Rage into narratives, lyrics, and art is okay in my opinion. There's a certain virtuosic quality to approaching art and narratives in that way. But if you're anger ceases, you'll be less inspired.

Angry Masterpieces are Better. They JUST ARE...

It's an Unspoken Truth, that sometimes to Reach Paradise, Heaven, sometimes we have to channel and invoke the the Wrath & Flames of Hell Itself. We often must risk Damnation to Attain Transcendence.

I don't know if it's just me, but currently, most cartoons on TV feel a little "Prozac Happy, with fake ass characters, fake ass motivations, fake assed "design" and fake ass smiles. There are so many fake smiles and fake corporate happiness on TV recently. None of it's real. There's a difference between being a person with a burning passion and rage of life who's gonna annihilate something, and "just being a worthless, uptight PRICK DICK" Just another phony. 

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