Friday, June 22, 2012


If there's 2 phobias I have, it's flying and the ocean, and maybe the third being the dark. 

I could do so much, go so many places if I just overcame my fear of the ocean.

I know why I'm afraid of the ocean too. It was the time I was swimming in the ocean at Daytona, on the beach when I was 14 or so, and having fun, splashing around all innocent like like any other kid at the beach, unafraid of water, having fun, not fearing a thing, when what do you know, 3 to 4 feet away from me a baby shark (or ADULT shark) fin (couldn't tell which) protruded through the surface of the water, like suddenly it went from a sunny day at the beach to being in the movie Jaws, which I never watch (for obvious reasons). I COULD HAVE BEEN EATEN! I've been scared of going underwater or even looking underwater (even in my own swimming pool) ever since. Never mind the murky depths of the Mariana Trench. With support and encouragement I might be able to conquer my fear of being in water one day. But not unless. I've had my fill of non-social adventure, and I've been terrified of facing it again some day ever since, even though I have a deep wanderlust and a deep need to travel the world. I can feel it, it could be my destiny to be a world traveler if I just overcome some of my more primal fears. 

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