Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Strategywiki.org? Where have you BEEN all my life!

I stopped playing video games right around the time most of their graphics when digital. Something about the none 2-D Depth Perception of the level wandering threw me off and offended my perception. I was always used to everything on screen  being so...flat, and not getting lost in this nonlinear world, where you DON'T follow the formula of walking from Point A to Point B. 

Now, I'm actually making an effort to get back into games.

I recently purchased a copy of Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, the prequel game to FFVII, and I'm digging it. Was doing some internet research about strategy guides for RPGs on StrategyWiki.org, but noticed how many games HAVE strategy guides online nowadays that anyone can browse and read to beat any level of pretty much any game recently...It was just recently when I realized something about gaming and strategy guides. The game publishers DON'T REALLY WANT YOU TO FIGURE EVERYTHING OUT ON YOUR OWN. That's why I uses strategy guides and walkthroughs for the games I play. Or at least I do from now on. 

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