Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I did in fact draw some new pages of artwork today, and I've been kind of on a roll with unpublished sketchbook practice art in the last 4 to 5 days, but I haven't published any of it to my Photobucket or Webcomics Nation account like I've tended to do. Primarily because I'm superstitious about my work. Uploading the first thing I create in a while always jinxes me, and never anyone else. It's like everytime I upload 1 good sketchbook study, suddenly, as soon as it's out there I get sketchbook and comic book panel block, and suddenly I'm blocked for (literally) weeks(!), and I'll produce nothing but crap for a while right after I publish that one or two really GOOD drawings(!). I always have better luck with my drawing process if I don't publish everything right away...Sorry, I really wish I knew how this art inspiration and energy level thing actually worked. wouldn't that be nice.

It's a vicious cycle I tell you.