Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How is your internet career? Mine takes more than gives...

I don't know if people know about this, but I've put a lot of money into maintaining my career online, and into web maintenance fees for the various URLs and webpages, and websites I own.

I've put a lot more money into whatever it is you think I am than my career ever gave back to me. Amazon paid me the largest amount of royalties I've ever gotten, which is to say $200 or so.

Bottom line is, I give Money out of MY POCKET to be as well known as I am, I've spent hundreds if not thousands of dollars on maintaining my art, writing, and brand. 

I pay a lot of money to do what I do because this matters a lot to me. I don't put all this effort into my career because of "return on investment" as it has never amounted to much. 

I'm not rich, and I might never be. Then again I suppose it could happen, if I ever again attained a large audience of people, I suppose if I had an online audience of millions, I could slap a few banner ads on it, buy a house to escape from my parents, and be done with it. But my audience is never simply grateful. They think they're owed something: By me. If they paid my bills, then I'd be grateful, but my audience doesn't do that. My audience just COMPLAINS and whines like little bitches. It's kind of ridiculous, the way my audience acts - Aggressively. 

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