Sunday, May 17, 2015

Nah. Don't ask me about inventions or patents. I'm just a hobbyist. Ask Mark Trenner, my patent attorney.....

Speaking of famed talents. I'm also an inventor, as the smart ones in the audience know (smirks). But if I'm being really honest about my inventing abilities and power, they primarily involved digital  video engineering, not clunky tech with obscure functionality, which is kind of what people often think of when they think "inventor". Like a 1930s or 1800s inventor like Nikolai Tesla or Thomas Edison, and not software inventors like Bill Gates and Anthony Wood. I'm the Bill Gates of Online Video. I'm the latter tech inventor. I'm probably less knowledgeable about textbook science (other than computer science and video-software engineering) than people think I am. And no, I didn't invent a time machine. Not yet anyway. It's cool that people have enough faith in me to think I could though. 

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