Monday, September 22, 2014

I'm a bit depressed and slow today....

Woke up around 1 p.m., and laid in bed until 4 p.m., drifting in and out of dreams about the whole world being Democrat and at one big Democratic convention. 

But wait. Why am I depressed. I have a bunch of cool celebrity friends:

Friends like Ramin Zahed, Steve Blum, Thomas Romain, famed self-publisher Yoshitoshi ABe

Some people might ask you "How can you be so depressed and sad when you got a friend list this cool". Hey, that's how it is.

I got artists block for the 70 millionth time

Well there we go. Diagnosis confirmed. I'm depressed because I don't feel LIKE making an effort to draw, even though my higher self, my conscience WANTS me to draw.

When I fail at getting myself to obey my conscience, my higher moral code to work hard and not be lazy, I get conflicted. I'd bug my famous friends for advice, but pestering and badgering famous friends? That's not cool.


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