Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Recent Email With a Lifelong Mentor

When I suggested the idea of an art school alumni reunion with people who used to attend the same art school I did, I thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to socialize and network with creative people closer to my own age and not just on the internet, but in real life.

Oddly enough, my lifelong mentor, in his message on LinkedIn didn't recommend it, and felt I would be "dissapointed" by the caliber of alumni who would show up, meaning he seemed to think I'm one of his most successful and famous students and "the caliber of my current network" (another way of saying all the successful network of people I've met and am friends with) is probably on "too high" of a status level to really be very impressed by people showing up at an art school reunion.

I found that interesting. I may be more powerful, famous, and successful than I was when I was 17 and 18, but even I miss meeting people in real life and in person. After all, though, yes, my network of connections is large and I am successful, I feel like I could still benefit from meeting people who maybe AREN'T quite at the same level as me and don't have the years of work behind them...I guess I never thought status level of the one being introduced to you or the status level of you introducing yourself to someone new if you're just starting off...Does it really matter that much? Does people impression of my status level really matter that much that I wouldn't benefit from being introduced to people with less experience and less wide networks of their own?

Dunno. I guess I never gave it that much thought until now. I honestly just like meeting new people, even if they're not successful like I am....

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